Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's in a name...

Well apparently a lot more thought than what my parents put into mine. My name is a compound of my grandmother's middle names which I do like now that I am older (try growing up with my country bumpkin name for a day or two it was not fun) and I adore my nickname which all of you are welcome to call me. Re. Isn't that cute and short???

Anyhooo on with this story which has nothing to do with where I am going with this.. one day my son realizes that my great grandfathers boat had a name very close to mine and tells my father.. Hey My mom was named after a boat! My dad being the comic that he is agrees with him and now everyone that my son could get to listen thinks I was named after a boat. Nice.

Today as pay back of rendering my name nothing more than something my parents read off of the boat I woke said son up at 6 am and told him to get dressed in long pants and tennis shoes we were OFF to take pictures! (wow I managed to tie this all together... I am quite shocked.)

We visited a couple of local cemeteries that were not quite as local as driving down 14 and screaming.. LOOK there is a cemetery lets stop. One actually required texted directions from a BFF who is not even in the state and I still got it wrong and had to stop and ask and another required not one set of instructions from my dad but TWO when I made a left in stead of a right and ended up in a wooded lot that had no markers. But alas we found them... and I am really glad we did because I learned a couple of things.

1. I have no sense of direction (I knew this but it was just once again brought to my attention)
2. It is fun to drag a kid along while trespassing while visiting local public cemeteries
3. There are many people who were much more imaginative than my parents when it came to giving names.
4. I am thinking that I can not pronounce some of these as it appears phonics was not taken into consideration during spelling.
5. I think I am now in LOVE with my name...

and without further ado... I give to you some of my findings of the day.
Oh wait one more thing... if any of these people are your family.. I am not making fun of them I swear, I am empathizing with the suffering they had to so obviously deal with at roughly age 7, and just to prove that MY family was definitely not immune to the naming without thinking sickness of the day.. soon I will post their names.

Obed? I can't even give you anything on this one without getting really bad.. I will leave this guy in peace.

Elkanah? Ok where in the stick can line up do you think this poor kid got picked? I took this one before I even realized that he had such a fun name.

I really wanna know if they were related..... but he got picked last too I am sure of it.

Beuna .... do you think the V is for Vista?

Bet he got called Ru....

This one I got nothing but.. Dude looked at me and said.. Mom I didn't realize that Pocahontas was buried in Mathews... and for pay back of the boat thing I said.. Well... you see it with your own eyes don't ya?? Let's see him have THAT conversation with his History teacher this year.

Balta? I hope she went by Lela which is a beautiful name.

This poor girl had no fall back.. Effie AND Maude??

Ok.. the only way I can figure this is pronounced is.. Whore... Tense... Can you imagine that kids nickname?? Hey Hor... poor kid.

I really need to go back and look at this one.. cause it LOOKS like Columbia lived to be 150 which can't be right..

Is there even anything that can be said about this?

Jehu? I am not even sure ..

Zadoc? I kinda like that one.. Now I have a name when I get to the Z in the alphabet other than Zeb.

Just in case any of you wondering how Sheddy Hodg got his name... and just so you know it was spelt Shedrack on his wifes tombstone. I got to see Sheddy today on his yellow bike..

Zipokah.. I really think that this lady was tired of having babies and was trying desperately to let her husband no of this by naming her children things he should take as hints.. Zipokah... do I have to explain??

And finally she had had Enogha! Ok it really says Enoch A... but it was funny...

And this poor kid.. how confused was he growing up.. Can you imagine that first PTA meeting..
This is my Parent Frances and my Other Parent Francis.

I can hear it in my head.. Ora Bora Ora Bora...


Anonymous said...

OMG too funny!!!! And you are Annie Re to me!! I could say a whole lot more but I will save it for the beach tomorrow cause the sun will shine!! I am still laughing!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Great shots - love the names. I'd like to have met Pocahontas Hudgins. I understand she and Capt. John Smith had quite the relationship....

Meg McCormick said...

I bet if you dig you could find Pocahontas Hudgins' obituary and I would love to know if she went by that or if she had a nickname, like "Mamie" or "Skeeter."

I am naming my next pet Beersheba. Love that.

I, too, am named after both my grandmothers - I have both their middle names.

Phyl said...

I actually know a Frances and Frances couple.

Zipokah? oh my.

interesting. I love older names.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

These make me like my name even more now!

katy said...

I love old cemeteries. I don't want to be in one permanently for awhile, but I love to visit.