Monday, August 6, 2007

Pondering a possible mistake

Ok.. so I got the older kids cell phones!

What have I done??? Just one more thing for me to worry about. Will they text their friends 3000 times a month vs. the 300 their plan allows? Will they use them before 7 and run up all the minutes on the family share plan?? Granted the fact that my oldest just got his learners permit and will be driving alone in a meer 5 months I figured it was time. I want to be able to call him and know where he is when he takes off on his own...

Hmm rule number 345 Do not talk and drive. Maybe that should be rule 1 but I can be only so hypocritical .. I talk on the phone, mess with my iPod, use my blackberry and drive all at the same time. Sorry Sis but I still do that.

So how is everyone? Me.. I made it threw my mid terms ok.. grades are doing well.
I spent a wonderful birthday with my dear sister who is now just as OLD as I am! We had a wonderful time at her birthday celebration. Well at least I did.. I am sure she did as well.

We are doing our treat day later .. last week was just exteremly busy and hectic for both of us so we will do that at a later time.
I have knitted absolutely NOTHING lately.. but who the heck has time! Heck I don't even have time to spend 3 minutes to let you guys know I am still alive.