Not to mention that so far no accidents today.. it has a lot to do with the fact I have swept her off to the potty as soon as she opens her eyeballs and I sit on top of her.. Ok not on TOP but beside her until she goes.. constantly saying Go Potty.. I sound like a loon but at least she is peeing where she is SUPPOSED to. and she has already learned that if I give her "The Look" she needs to back up and stay in the potty spot.
Such a sweet little baby; I am SO jealous. And it sounds like she's a fast learner...but I personally think it has to with you not calling her "It" anymore :).
Wait for it....
Oh, that reminds me of another horror story at dinner Friday night involving a rabbit being sat on.
If you think getting no sleep with a pup is awful, wait til the pup gets to be 12 and wakes you up in the middle of the night. Although I suppose getting woken up is better than waking up to an accident, eh?
Oh the joys of adopting a teenage doggie! We didn't have to deal with any of that.
I just have to keep coming back over and over again to gaze at the sweet cute-ness that is The Bink2! More pix, please!
Double smooches for you if you do...
I love little Binky Too! I bet there isn't a more spoiled puppy in the world.
Why don't I get a comment from you? I'm here everyday, admiring Her Royal Bink2-ness--but do I get a smooch? NOOOOOOO! Do I even get a lousy comment? NOOOOOO! Even though I think you're trying, you CANNOT make me go away. NOOOOO! HAHA!
OH-OH! Spoke too soon! Scusa Me! As our friend Katie would say, "OOPSIES"!!!! :)
Many smooches due to my sorry-ness at speaking too soon....
Needing new pix of Her Royal Bink2. I know, I know...some people are never satisfied, are they? HAHAHA! Love ya, AM!
Big ole smoochy!
Having smoochie withdrawls......can't ...go...on.
Yoo-Hooooooo! Hello, Miss Royal Bink2? Go get your Mommy...go on, pretty little girl, go get Mommy...tell her that her friends want to see an update of your amazing-ness and that we want to know what she is up to, and that people just aren't the same without her. You can do it, Binky2.
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